Meet the Team.


Foster is a writer, and actor based out of Canada. Foster acts as the Dungeon master, Director, and Project lead of Theatre of the Unaligned. Foster also acts as lead writer of short form content.


Dez is an actor, and seamstress based out of Canada. Dez acts as a creative lead, and is responsible for a majority of the costumes, wigs, and make up in all of our videos. Dez also acts as our lead cinematographer, and social media assistant.


Jay is an artist, and actor based out of Canada. Jay acts as a creative lead and is, responsible for all the beautiful character art, visual assets, and animations you see on screen. Jay is also the current lead video editor for Totu.


Nara is an actor based out of Canada. Nara currently acts as a creative lead while also acting as a valuable support member in all departments, filling any job needed and bringing out the best in anyone she works with.


Bin is an actor based out of Canada. Bin currently acts as a creative lead, while also acting as valuable support to all he works with. Bin is currently training in multiple skills to broaden the scope of his creative abilities.